We are trying something new for 2024- the Advance Apprenticeship has options (!). Participants can apply for the option most suitable for their herbal journey.

There are 3 options:

  1. Take BOTH Materia Medica (in-person) and the Practitioner Pathway (online)

  2. Take Materia Medica on Saturdays

  3. Take the herbal Practitioner online course on Wednesdays

Option 1: This is for someone truly dedicated to moving towards clinical herbalism. This option requires more time commitment inside and outside of class.

Option 2: This is for someone who wants to go deeper working with herbs and knowing their medical uses. This option emphasizes botanical ID as well as applying herbal actions to anatomy and physiology.

Option 3: This is for someone who feels confident in materia medica and medicine making, yet wants to know herbal theories and diagnostic techniques.

The Advance Herbal Apprenticeship is offering 2 Pathways:





 Both Pathways: Materia Medica & Practitioner

Dates and Time:  The second Wednesday and last Saturday of the month

Wednesdays, 4PM-7PM: Online Practitioner Lectures

Saturdays, 10AM-4PM: In Field Materia Medica

February 7, 24 March 13, 30 April 10, 27 May 8, 25 June 12, 29 July 10, 27 August 14, 31 September 11, 28 October 9, 26 November 13, 30

This is a 10-month commitment.

Location: The Highlands Homestead, Duvall, WA is where Wildness Within is based out of. We will be meeting here for a handful of the Materia Medica days.

The Highlands Homestead consists of 20+ acres where Rachael and her land mates practice ecological design, subsistence farming, forest stewardship and restorative systems. Most classes will be held outside of Wildness Within’s herb kitchen and apothecary as well as other locations on the land.

Various places around King County, Snohomish County and Skagit County. Locations include sub-alpine trips in the Central Cascades, sea and shore explorations along the Puget Sound, riparian excursions by rivers, lakes and wetlands. Rachael will announce specific locations with the class syllabus.

Advance Apprenticeship Cost: $2,800

  • Obtain the bi-monthly knowledge and hands-on projects (Materia Medica & Practitioner Path)

  • Access to online class hub-site with resources

  • Monthly homework assignments, reviewed by Rachael

  • Herbarium & Plant Profiles reviewed by Rachael (optional certification route)

By taking both pathways, participants save $500 on apprenticeship costs!

Cost does not include books, medicine making supplies, transportation fees, nor private mentorship.

Payments: To ensure your spot in the program, a non-refundable deposit of $200 is due upon acceptance. Full payment is due upon the first day of class in February. If participants need to set-up a payment plan, please correspond with Rachael about what this looks like.

Cancellation Policy:

All cancellation requests must be made prior to February 1st, 2024; any payments beyond the deposit will be refunded in full. Any cancellations beyond this date is not subject to refund.