
What is a glycerite?

Herbal glycerites can be used as an alternative to honey, or a stabilizer/preservative for medicinal constituents. Glycerites offer plant extraction benefits to children under 3 years of age and are also commonly used in body care products. Diluted glycerin is emollient, soothing and healing.


What is glycerin?

Glycerin is a natural compound derived from vegetable or animal fats (obtained by the hydrolysis of vegetable and animal oils). It is a clear, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting and non-toxic.

 Glycerin is slightly antiseptic and has anti-fermentative properties (yet still does not compare to alcohol). Often, I will add 10-15% alcohol to a 50% glycerite to further preserve the infusion.

 Store bought glycerin contains about 5% water- so when seeing 50% glycerin on the bottle, it will contain 45% glycerin and 5% water. This is important when combining with water to dilute your glycerin infusion.

 When making an herbal glycerite- aromatics work the best. Avoid alkaloids because they will not infuse as readily.

How to make a glycerite

Dried Herb Method

1.    Weigh the plant.

2.    Decide on strength of extract (1:5 is common ratio).

3.    Calculate the amount of glycerin and water necessary and measure amounts.

4.    Add glycerin/water to herb.

5.    Heat extract using double boiler (optional- important if using roots).

6.    Decant, press, filter.

7.    Bottle, tightly cap, and label.


Fresh Herb Method

1.    Weigh the plant.

2.    Decide on strength of extract (1:2 is common ratio for fresh plants).

3.    Calculate the amount of glycerin and water necessary and measure amounts (see below).

4.    Add glycerin/water to herb.

5.    Cover herb with menstruum and blend (until smoothie consistency).

6.    Pour liquefied ingredients into a jar and cap tightly.

7.    Shake the glycerite frequently for 2 weeks.

8.    Decant, press, filter.

9.    Bottle, tightly cap, and label.

Fresh “Not-so-Juicy” Herb

1:2 weight to volume ratio

Eg. 400 Gm herb: 600 ml glycerin + 200 ml distilled water 

Wilt plant for at least 1 night before, then macerate or chop

Blend with 75% glycerin, 25% water 

Infuse for 2 weeks

Shelf life ~ 1 years or longer if refrigerated

Fresh, “Juicy” Herb

1:2 weight to volume ratio

Eg. 400 Gm herb: 800 ml glycerin without distilled water

Wilt plant for at least 1 night before, then macerate or chop

Blend with 100% glycerin

Infuse 1-2 weeks

Shelf life ~ 1 year or longer if refrigerated

Preservation & Storage

Preserve all glycerites in air tight, light resistant container. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and excessive heat. Refrigerate when possible. If refrigerated, glycerite can last up to one year.



Glycerites can be more concentrated that a standard infusion or decoction.

Mild Tonics= 5 dropperfuls 2-3x/day

Strong Herbs= 10-25 drops 3-4x/day